If the CQC decides your care home isn’t safe, effective, caring, responsive or well-led, you could receive an inadequate rating. Make sure you avoid these five common CQC inspection blunders.

1. You don’t have enough staff

If your care home doesn’t have enough staff to properly care for residents, it can lead to problems with neglect or abuse.

2. Your care home isn’t clean or well-maintained

Care homes that aren’t clean or well-maintained can be a health hazard for residents.

3. You don’t manage medications properly

If care homes don’t properly manage residents' medications, errors and adverse reactions can happen.

4. Inadequate care planning and documentation

If you don’t have proper documentation or care plans in place, residents’ individual needs might not be met properly.

5. You don’t provide high-quality care

A care home that does not provide a high standard of care to its residents may fail an inspection.

34% of care homes are inadequate or require improvement for the well-led category